Malcom Young riffs will be on next AC/DC album… which Eddie Trunk says is finished!

Malcom Young riffs will be on next AC/DC album… which Eddie Trunk says is finished!

Malcom Young riffs will be on next AC/DC album… which Eddie Trunk says is finished!

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  • Malcom Young riffs will be on next AC/DC album… which Eddie Trunk says is finished!

We knew they were recording.

We found out the other day from grindcore band “Terrorizer” that Brian Johnson was back.

And NOW, thanks to Eddie Trunk, we know the new album is finished, AND will include riffs from the late Malcom Young.

Trunk has his sources all over the metal and rock community, so it’s pretty reliable that he knows the facts. During his show on Sirius XM Monday, he told a listener all the details.

“He told me to his knowledge, the album is, like you said, done, that they went to that studio in Canada and made this record,” he says. 

Trunk then addresses the speculation of the record implementing Malcom Young’s riffs as being true, and refers to it as a tribute to the guitarist. He continues, “Malcom had a bunch of stuff recorded that they worked off of and sort of incorporated into the record.”


So there it is, the whole band is back together, even with a little Malcom thrown in from beyond the grave.

Listen to the full conversation in the video below.

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