Voter registration deadline today

Voter registration deadline today

Voter registration deadline today


If you are not already registered to vote, today  is the last day to register to be able to vote in November.

If you are not sure if you are registered, you can check your status by following the link below.

Voter Registration Information

If you need to register to vote, you can do that online using the link below.

Online Voter Registration

If you need an advance mail-in ballot, the last day to apply for one in Sedgwick County is November 1, though you’ll want to apply as soon as possible to make sure you get it in time. Advance ballot instructions can be found below.

Sedgwick County Advance Mail-in ballot

Early in-person voting at the Sedgwick County Election Office begins October 24. Early Satellite sites will open November 1, and the election day itself is November 8.

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